Send an inquiry

If you want to send us an inquiry or you have opinion to share with us, you can use our online request form or contact us directly on the below listed coordinates.
To make your request to one of our dealers, please select it from the drop-down list and then fill in the rest of the required fields.
To make your request directly to ”Balkancar Records” Co., please do NOT select any dealer from the drop-down menu. Simply fill in the rest of the required fields.
We are happy to receive your inquiries, and will reply to them as soon as possible!


Director (Secretary)

Sales Department

Spare parts

Service and Equipment Rental

Technical department

Quality control

Supply Department

* Required field


"Balkancar Record" Co.
4004 Plovdiv
17 ''Kuklensko Shosse'' str.
Phone: +359/32/ 69 50 50
